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Have Regular Scheduled Clean-Up


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention

Have Regular Scheduled Clean-Up

If your child is disorganized or messy

How To Apply It!

  1. Students who are disorganized often have problems with late or lost homework, lateness, and inefficient homework and study habits, so don't wait to help your child organize and clean-up until after something has gone wrong. It is best to schedule a regular clean-up time, either daily or, at most, weekly.
  2. Start out small, perhaps by picking up clothes in the morning and putting them in the hamper. Kids are less likely to resist if the task feels small and manageable.
  3. Once a student is able to do one task without being reminded, add on another responsibility, such as putting away laundry. Incrementally add tasks until your child has an age-appropriate level of self-sufficiency.
  4. Remember to start small and build. Trying to go from near zero responsibility to full responsibility is unlikely to be an effective approach. Start with low stakes activities and build up the amount of responsibility and expectations in a way that feels manageable even if not enjoyable.
  5. Schedule a weekly clean-up time and stick to it. This could be as little as 30 minutes. It should include cleaning out the backpack, organizing homework space, and reviewing the student's calendar or planner to be sure he is prepared for the upcoming week. Sunday nights are often a good time for parents and children to do this together. Identifying a weekly time at school to clean up a locker also can be a big help. You can find more guidance on what a clean desk should look like here.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Good organization quite simply saves time and can make life a lot less stressful. Few people like to take time to clean-up, but this is an area where a parent will want to keep a firm hand. Becoming more organized can go a long way in helping students finish their homework assignments on time, being punctual for class, and efficiently doing homework. Keep in mind that organization does not come naturally to many children, but adults can certainly help by gradually showing children how to organize their time and their belongings.