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ADHD & Executive Functions Coaching


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning Special Education (IEPs & 504s) ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization Working Memory Attention Processing Speed

ADHD & Executive Functions Coaching

If your child struggles with attention, time management and/or organization skills

How To Apply It!

  1. Coaches usually work one-on-one with students to pinpoint difficulties and identify approaches to help students be more self-sufficient
  2. The coach sets goals with the student and offers individualized strategies related to areas such as organization, time management, test-taking and homework.
  3. Coaches provide encouragement and help the student stick to a personalized development plan which can be very effective for students and adults with ADHD or other executive function weaknesses.
  4. When selecting an ADHD coach, be sure to select one who is a certified professional and has completed training from an accredited institution. Experience and right fit should be considered carefully when choosing a coach for yourself or your child.
  5. Coaching is often done in person. However, there are coaches who will consult with clients over the phone, via email or Skype.
  6. Parents who want to learn more about coaching or need help finding an appropriate coach can find several non-profits that specialize in coaching on our Free Resources page

Why It Works! (the Science Of Learning)

Students with weaker executive functions might lack the self-control or self-awareness to manage their time and space independently. Quite simply they need help. Coaches are experienced in supporting teens and adults in creating systems so they complete assignments on time, organize their personal belongings, and manage their work efficiently. The success will depend on the quality of the coach, the student's willingness to use the strategies, and the personal chemistry between student and coach.