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Watching Video Lessons: Checklist (AB)


Study Skills & Tools MS/HS/College Strategy


Auditory Processing Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed

Watching Video Lessons: Checklist (AB)

If your student doesn't retain or fully understand what they watch in a video assignment

How To Apply It!

  1. A little advance preparation before watching a video will ensure you learn what you need and lessen the chance you will need to go back and replay parts, saving you time in the long run.
  2. Note the length of the video and make sure you have sufficient time to watch it from start to finish. Be sure you will not be distracted for the length of the video.
  3. Print explanations of the video or questions you will need to answer at the end. Read them BEFORE you watch so you know when you need to listen carefully or pause.
  4. If the video includes slides, handouts or an outline, print them out and use them to take notes. Otherwise, plan to take your own notes throughout the video just as you would in class.
  5. If the video has a useful diagram or picture that you find particularly helpful, take a screenshot and save it or re-draw it in your notes.
  6. Decide if options for adjusting the speed or close-captioning will help you. Use as necessary. That's why they are available.
  7. Pause, rewind and replay portions video as often as you need until you understand the information. That is the biggest benefit of videos so take advantage of it.
  8. If there is anything you do not understand, write down your questions and the time in the video. Bring your questions to class the next day.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Students tend to think of videos as passive watching. However, just as in school, it is important to actively engage to better understand and remember. And just as teachers vary in their presentation styles, so too do videos vary widely in their format, quality of voice and engagement. Students should expect to adapt to a video format just as they do in the beginning of the new semester to a new teacher's style. Having a student do a little upfront preparation can create a much more effective learning experience.