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Prep Time for Class Participation


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Auditory Processing Expressive Language Listening Comprehension Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Processing Speed

Prep Time for Class Participation

If your student is nervous about participating in class, particularly those with weaker working memory or processing speed

Teach It!

  1. Objective: Students will be given the chance to prepare in advance for class participation, allowing them to feel more comfortable speaking.
  2. Direct Instruction: a) Before class starts, tell a child, "When I start discussing X, I am going to call on you to explain Y." This advance notice gives the child time to prepare a good answer and ensures he is alert when his turn to speak comes. It might be important to ensure that other students do not overhear. b) Offer the child help in preparing a response so he does not build up anxiety about not knowing or having the correct answer.
  3. Considerations: For students who are very reluctant to speak, teachers can tell the student the day before to come prepared, or write down, an answer to a specific question when they are called on.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Public speaking is a common fear that is typically only overcome with practice. However, students with learning weaknesses might be particularly uncomfortable participating. Those with slower processing speed, working memory or attention might not keep up as readily with class discussions and have a greater concern that a comment would be off the mark. Providing students with opportunities to prepare in advance and participate successfully can boost their self-confidence and willingness to participate.