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Use Blended Learning to Reinforce Concepts


All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Listening Comprehension Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed Visual Memory

Use Blended Learning to Reinforce Concepts

If your student has weaker memory or reasoning skills and you are introducing a complex new topic

How To Apply It!

  1. While there are pros and cons to blended learning (as with any instructional methodology), blended learning offers the benefit of reinforcing information multiple times in multiple formats.
  2. Blended or flipped learning is an instructional approach where students watch a video lesson online at home as background and context, enabling the teacher to provide more time for focused teaching and problem solving in the classroom.
  3. Videos can give students the opportunity to become familiar with new vocabulary and begin to make connections to previously learned material at their own pace. Familiarity and repetition is important to all learners, but particularly those with weaker memory and reasoning skills.
  4. Even if you do not use flipped learning for the entire class, you can have some students watch a video the night before the lesson so they will learn more easily when the information is introduced to the entire class.
  5. Teachers want to be intentional in which video lessons they use, as certain sites are more or less appropriate for learners with certain weaknesses. See Mindprint-reviewed video sites here.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Research is just emerging about when blended learning works best and who it works best for. However, we know that struggling learners benefit from repetition and reviewing material in multiple formats. Providing these students with the option to learn from a video and repeat parts of the video as much as they need can be very beneficial. However, adults will want to be sure that the chosen video accurately presents the concepts and will be clear and understandable to the student. Sites that include video transcripts, which you will find noted in the Mindprint review, might be best for struggling learners so they can re-read what they might not have heard. The transcripts also can serve as a note taking outline.