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Create a Study Guide/Outline to Prepare for Exams


Study Skills & Tools MS/HS/College Strategy



Create a Study Guide/Outline to Prepare for Exams

All students, particularly those who underperform expectations on tests

Teach It!

  1. Objective: Students will create an organized study guide to help them study more efficiently and effectively for exams.
  2. Teacher Takeaways: Introduce the guidelines on the next slide and work together step-by-step to create a study guide. When they show understanding, have the students use the checklist to create their own study guides for an upcoming exam. Check in with them along the way to ensure that their process is working.

*print* Student Guide: Create A Study Guide

  1. Ask about the Test Format. For a multiple choice or fill-in-the-blank test, focus more on memorizing facts and vocabulary. For an essay, you will need to know fewer facts, but prepare to evaluate bigger picture concepts and themes.
  2. Collect and Highlight. Gather your class notes, handouts and textbook. Highlight the information you need to know for the exam. If you are using a school textbook, use highlighter tape and sticky notes.
  3. Create an Outline. Organize the topics and create a written outline of what you will study. If you have good class notes, you can likely rely on those for your outline headings. You might use your class syllabus or textbook to create your sections. This will help you organize your thoughts and focus your attention on key themes.
  4. Add Details. Fill in the important details and ideas under each heading and subheading. The act of re-writing will help you memorize. Re-stating and consolidating the information will help your understanding and clarification.
  5. Note Questions or Uncertainties. Take the time to ask a teacher or classmate to help you fill in any knowledge gaps. Remember to add this new information to your outline.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Often teachers provide a study guide that presents the key material and information about what to expect. However, creating your own guide can be a proactive approach to further your understanding by forcing yourself to decide what information is important and draw connections between different topics. A hand-written outline will be even more beneficial, as the process of writing the information should help you remember it better.