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Use Strong Visual Memory in Group Work: Checklist (Bb)


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Social Awareness Visual Memory

Use Strong Visual Memory in Group Work: Checklist (Bb)

If your student's strongest skill is visual memory and you want to strengthen their self-confidence in group projects

Using Strong Visual Memory In Group Work

  1. Visual memory can be a great asset in group projects that are more hands-on or visually based.
  2. If the group needs an idea for a visual presentation, recall things you have seen in the past, in books or at a museum for example, to offer ideas. Draw it out for the group and think together about how you can translate those ideas into something that would work for the group.
  3. If everyone is scrambling to remember a lesson or diagram that you remember, save the group time and draw a picture.

What To Keep In Mind

While verbal memory might take a greater role in individual work, visual memory is often more important in group work. Group members might not say that they have forgotten or need a diagram, but when you provide one they will definitely appreciate it.