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Identify Story Structure


ELA: Reading K-8 Strategy


Organization Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning

Identify Story Structure

If your student struggles to identify the narrative structure, sequence, or elements of the plot

Instruction And Practice

  1. Objective: Teach this structure to students who are having difficulty organizing story details sequentially.
  2. Model and Practice: a) Choose a text that has a clear beginning, middle and end to model this structure. You could either read aloud to students or have them read independently. b) Before reading, ask students to pay attention to the sequence of specific events as they read. Remind them they will need to think about the beginning, middle and end of the story. c) Have students point out keywords that signify sequence: first, next, then, after, finally. Provide the students with a list of transition words that will help them recognize sequence. d) After reading the story, have students put the events in sequential order. This can be done as a class, independently or in small groups.
  3. Note: Visual timelines or graphic organizers can provide helpful visual support for outlining story structure and sequence.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Good comprehension skills rely on a student's ability to understand and recall a text in the sequence it occurred. Sequencing enables students to make cause and effect connections and identify which details were most important and which were secondary. While some students will do this naturally, many students benefit from exercises that teach them how to organize their thoughts sequentially.