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Chromatic Lenses for "Moving Words on a Page"


All Ages Strategy


Visual Discrimination Processing Speed Visual Motor Speed Spatial Perception

Chromatic Lenses for "Moving Words on a Page"

If your student complains about words "moving on the page" while reading

How To Apply It!

  1. If your child complains about letters or numbers "moving on the page" they might benefit from specialized, tinted lenses which can help the eyes focus.
  2. Note that these lenses are NOT to support students with dyslexia and other verbal learning disabilities. They are only FDA approved for students with visual processing weaknesses. Dyslexia is NOT a visual problem though some students with dyslexia also have visual issues.
  3. These custom tinted lenses can only be prescribed by a doctor. They can help students whose eyes do not "work together" which can feel to a student as if the numbers or letters are moving around on the page. If the eyes are not working in concert, words and numbers can look "fuzzy" which can affect efficient processing.
  4. The lenses can be made to fit into typical glasses or contact lenses. However, they are more expensive than traditional lenses and cannot correct all visual issues, so you will want to be certain that the lenses will benefit your child before purchasing them.
  5. Here is a link to the Chromagen website for more information on the lenses and providers.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

If a student's eyes are not working in a coordinated fashion it can appear that numbers are letters are moving around since the right eye is seeing a different perspective from the left eye. Vision difficulties can affect efficient reading, aligning numbers in math, and other aspects of learning and sports. However, vision problems should not be confused with a reading disability like dyslexia which these lenses will not help.