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Compacting Curriculum in Humanities


ELA: Writing ELA: Reading Social Studies ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Verbal Reasoning

Compacting Curriculum in Humanities

If your student is not engaged because they aren't challenged

How To Apply It!

  1. Provide acceleration for student's working above grade level to sustain engagement and motivation.
  2. Provide higher lexile reading on the same topic. Sites such as Newsela and TimeEdge can be great options for differentiation.
  3. Provide spelling or vocabulary lists with more advanced words.
  4. Create opportunities for peer teaching to strengthen an advanced student's knowledge while supporting classmates.
  5. Allow for compacting (i.e. reduced number of exercise) in grammar or comprehension to avoid boredom from repetition.
  6. Use the extra time compacting provides to work on projects in their areas of interest. Giving students choice in their additional work is important so they are motivated to work hard rather than feel that they are being punished with extra work.
  7. Allow for project work during class lecture when material is already mastered.
  8. Use pre-assessments to ensure acceleration is appropriate for each new topic. Don't assume that because a student is strong in one skill in a subject that he is advanced in all skills. Offering acceleration when a student is not ready could lead to stress or knowledge gaps.
  9. Document acceleration for teachers in subsequent years.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Studies show the importance of providing challenges to gifted learners to keep them engaged and motivated, as their needs might not be met with the traditional curriculum.