If your student consistently asks for help without trying different ways on their own first
Teach It!
Objective: Students will learn how to be specific in asking for support so they can still figure out the answer on their own.
Instruction: a) Explain why. Discuss the importance of asking for help when needed, but that it is also important to do as much as you can on your own. b) Coaching. When students come to you for help, provide just enough, but not too much, guidance to help the student gain clarity on his own. Allow as many follow-up questions as needed until the student can restate the problem or material in his own words.
Prompt Card: Make a card, or print the checklist on the next slide for students to refer to, so they are not just coming and saying, "I need help," or, "I don't get it." Prompts can include: a) Prepare my questions b) Be specific on what I don't understand c) Restate to check if I get it
Ongoing Reinforcement: It will take time to help some students become more independent in solving problems. Adults should be patient, supportive, and provide leading questions such as, "Explain to me the part you understand," and, "What piece of this is confusing?" or, "What words are you unclear about?"
Prepare. Before asking for help, re-read the problem or challenging material to yourself. Ask yourself, "What part do I NOT understand?" Circle or write down the specific part.
Ask. Start by explaining to the teacher/parent what you DO understand and then ask about the specific part you DO NOT understand.
Read aloud the confusing part. Reading the problem or question slowly out loud often might be all you need.
Restate. Explain the adult's explanation in your own words to be certain you understand. Ask additional questions if you are still uncertain.
Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!
This process helps students become more self-aware of what they do and do not understand. It ensures that they are learning how to get the support they need and learn and solve problems independently.