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Use Strong Abstract Reasoning in Projects


^Music, Art and Makerspaces MS/HS/College Strategy


Social Awareness Abstract Reasoning

Use Strong Abstract Reasoning in Projects

If your student has strong abstract reasoning and you want to build their self-awareness and nurture their strength

Types Of Project Presentations You Might Enjoy

  1. When conducting an inquiry and choosing how you present your project work, consider options that make the most of your strong abstract reasoning skills and your interests so that you will challenge yourself and enjoy the project.
  2. Incorporate your background knowledge and deeper thinking abilities by creating visual aids like graphs, charts and diagrams.
  3. Show comparisons and contrast to other subject matter you know, even if you didn't learn that information in the class or in school. Analogies and comparisons are one of the most effective ways to demonstrate understanding and nuance. Matrices and venn diagrams can be effective tools.
  4. Use numerical analysis to prove your point of view, even in subjects like English and history.
  5. Consider starting your inquiry with a hypothesis. Use your project to prove or disprove it and then present your results. (You can apply the scientific method in all classes!)
  6. Create a model or poster that conveys the details of your understanding. This could be 3-D or virtual.
  7. Make a board game or puzzle that enables players to learn about the subject or problem you studied in an engaging way. Again, this could be virtual or hands-on.
  8. Build an app or write a computer program or game that shows your subject knowledge and your technology skills.


Project-based learning is designed for students to discover and learn about a topic or genre they enjoy and then present their mastery to the class and others beyond the classroom. Start by identifying a topic that truly interests you. When planning your inquiry and choosing how to present, consider ways to demonstrate your mastery that also challenge your strong abstract reasoning skills, including drawing connections to previously learned material, using numerical analysis, or presenting in ways that demonstrate your strengths. You can learn more about project-based learning here.