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Skim Questions First in Reading & Science (ACT/SAT)


Standardized Test Prep High School & Up Strategy


Organization Working Memory Attention Verbal Memory Processing Speed

Skim Questions First in Reading & Science (ACT/SAT)

Skimming the questions before reading the passage can provide good cues into where you should put your focus.

How To Apply It!

  1. Start with a quick preview of the questions. Remember your only goal is to answer the questions correctly, not to have a deep reading or understanding of the passage. Having an idea of what you will answer will help you focus while reading.
  2. Remind yourself that all of the answers MUST HAVE evidence in the passage. This is not what you think the author could be feeling, but what the author has provided you evidence that he is feeling. If you cannot prove an answer, it could be right but likely it is not the best answer.
  3. If questions refer to a series of lines or a particular phrase, mark those specific lines in the text.
  4. Read the passage at a relatively fast pace. Over time you should have a plan for maximum reading time per passage. Based on the questions, underline the important lines and make notes on the side that connect to questions. Generally you should look for the thesis in the last sentence of the introduction. Pay attention to opening sentences of paragraphs and the conclusion. If you are taking the SAT, read the preview sentence for the passage which can give you the main idea.
  5. If you reach a part of the passage you do not understand, do not get stuck. Keep reading and only go back if the questions relates to this part.
  6. Some students who read very slowly choose not to read the full passage and just read the lines necessary to answer the questions. If you take this approach, be sure to carefully read the sentence before and after the sentence with the answer so you are not fooled by a trick question. This approach can work but it will take a lot of practice.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Reading the questions ahead of the text helps students cue in to the most important information while reading. This strategy can be particularly helpful for students with weaker reading or attention skills.