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Self-Awareness in Test Prep


Social-Emotional Learning Standardized Test Prep MS/HS/College Strategy



Self-Awareness in Test Prep

Understanding your strengths and needs will help you prioritize your studying and ultimately show your best performance.

How To Apply It!

  1. Take your first practice test and self-evaluate. Which sub-tests or problem types were easiest for you? Which felt challenging or a lot less enjoyable?
  2. Identify how to maximize your score on the problems you enjoyed the most. Where can you quickly review and potentially get a big bump in your score, such as reviewing a few forgotten formulas or addressing scattered errors?
  3. Acknowledge the more challenging areas, whether it is because you do not enjoy them or you find them harder. What is the minimum score you want? Develop a plan to hit that score. Which specific types of problems will you need to practice? What will you need to learn? Be honest with yourself about what you know well and where you have uncertainty or discomfort.
  4. Balance your study time. Consider always starting with your more challenging areas so you know you are sure to stay focused. After 20 minutes with a challenging area, reward yourself with a more enjoyable study task. Alternating between sections and problem types will help you sustain your focus and improve on all your skills.
  5. Include your plans in your study plan.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

It is crucial to build self-awareness of your stronger and weaker skills to focus your practice. You need to practice both, and balancing them will be key to your ultimate success.