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LESSON: Developing Self-Awareness


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy

LESSON: Developing Self-Awareness

All students

Teach It!

  1. Objective: Students will be introduced to the concept of metacognition, or the importance of self-awareness in learning
  2. Teacher Takeaways: Students need to grow into the habit of thinking about their thinking. Most students will not be inherently good at self-assessing their needs and capabilities but they can be taught how to develop these skills.
  3. Instruction/Activities: a)Teacher-led discussion on metacognition b)Watch & Discuss "TED Talk: Don't Eat the Marshmallow" c) Writing Activity "This is What I'm Thinking" d) Writing Activity "Dialogue Journals" e) Digital Activity "Show My Thinking" f) Reflection "Exit Slips"
  4. Click for the complete lesson plans and activities

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Metacognition is a critical skill for lifelong learning. Lesson plan excerpted from the book The Empowered Student available from CAST Professional Publishing, the leaders in UDL.