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LESSON: Understanding Your Cognitive Skills


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy

LESSON: Understanding Your Cognitive Skills

All students, though adults should use sensitivity in discussing student's personal strengths and needs

Teach It!

  1. Objective: Students will understand that cognitive skills drive their learning efficiency. They also will learn that cognitive skills are not something you study and practice like academic skills. Rather, they are developed over years and require ongoing strategy use to support and enhance.
  2. Teacher Takeaways: Every student has a unique combination of cognitive strengths and needs. Often these strengths and needs are not readily observable. Cognitive skills are correlated with academic achievement, so nurturing strengths and supporting cognitive needs can have a meaningful impact on academic achievement.
  3. Instruction/Activities: a)Teacher-led discussion: Overview of 10 Cognitive Skills b)Student Activity: Personalized Learning Plan-Choose strategies based on my learning strengths and needs c) Student Activity: "How I Use My .... [Strength or Need]" d) Coaching: Teacher-led Conferences on Mindprint Skills Prioritization
  4. Click for the complete lesson plans and activities

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Cognitive skills are critical to academic achievement (Cattell, 1972, Schweizer & Koch, 2002) but one's attitude toward learning and achievement can mediate the effects. Helping students understand their strengths and needs can develop self-awareness and self-efficacy skills to drive their achievement. Excerpted from the book The Empowered Student available from CAST Professional Publishing, the leaders in UDL.