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Postpone Grammar Corrections on Writing Drafts


ELA: Writing ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Organization Working Memory Verbal Reasoning

Postpone Grammar Corrections on Writing Drafts

If your student does not like to write or is sensitive to feedback

How To Apply It!

  1. Refrain from correcting spelling, grammar or other details until a later draft so students can focus on idea generation quality.
  2. Encourage students to write a rough draft ideas with little worry about grammar, spelling and organization.
  3. Students who are concerned about the quality of their mechanics can circle the words or grammar they might need to correct later. This approach enables them to stay in the writing flow with the comfort of knowing they will come back and make necessary corrections.
  4. After a student has enough good ideas on paper, then encourage them to self-correct and re-write as necessary. At that time they can return to the details using a dictionary, thesaurus or ask for help as appropriate.
  5. Parents might want to consult teachers if they are unsure how to support a child's writing at home. It is usually best for parents to limit corrective feedback or seek guidance from a teacher so they don't risk discouraging a child's creativity.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Thoughtful ideas, flexible thinking, and creative writing are a different skill set than vocabulary, spelling and grammar. When adults encourage students to focus on their ideas with limited concern for mechanics you free them to be more creative. While this approach does not ignore the importance of writing mechanics, it recognizes the importance of thoughtful ideas.