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"Throw Away" Test Anxiety


Social-Emotional Learning Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation

"Throw Away" Test Anxiety

If your student's test anxiety is significant and impacting self-esteem or health

Teach It!

  1. Objective: Students will have decreased test anxiety by writing about their most important values and best traits before a test.
  2. Activity: a) Give students a blank piece of paper and have them write down everything they like about themselves, traits that have nothing to do with the impending test or event. b) If a student has trouble getting started, the adult can provide a few suggestions of what they think are the child's best traits. c) Students can keep this list with them and refer back to it the next time they are nervous. Encourage the student to add to the list over time. d) An alternative version of this exercise has students write down their biggest concerns before the test. Then the adult collects the paper and metaphorically throws the concerns away by throwing away the papers.
  3. Considerations: Teachers can do this with the entire class before handing out the test, or parents can do this with a child at home the night before. If a student is reluctant or embarrassed to try this exercise, promise the student you will not read the list. Of course, be sure to honor that promise.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

Too much anxiety can impede performance. Children will feel better about themselves when they reflect on their best qualities. The exercise reinforces that performance on a test or in a game does not define the whole person which lessens anxiety over the specific event and has been proven effective in research studies.