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Allow Leeway with Rules


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy



Allow Leeway with Rules

All children provided they are performing to expectations

How To Apply It!

  1. Generally we recommend adults not be too rigid about HOW the work gets done as long as it is completed to expectations in a relatively stress-free way, though this will vary depending on the student's needs.Here are some examples of how you can offer the student a bit more flexibility with rules that might not always follow the traditional path.
  2. Allow students to work on the floor, standing up, or at the kitchen table. If they are comfortable, productive, and not interfering with others, allow it.
  3. Allow flexibility about when work is done. If students want to relax at the end of class and do the work at home, allow it. If your child wants to take a break after school before starting homework, allow it. As long as the work is finished on time, give the flexibility.
  4. Let students have music while working, provided it does not interfere with their concentration.
  5. Allow independent reading in almost any location with any position. Reading is a good time for students to relax and absorb.

Why It Works (the Science Of Learning)!

When students are happy and relaxed they learn better. While some students need a lot of rules, structure and guidance to meet the demands of homework, others do better when they are given more flexibility to work in a way that feels right for them. In short, try not to be too concerned about how things get done as long as they are done well.