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Remote Learning Checklist (E)


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention Processing Speed

Remote Learning Checklist (E)

A general best-practice student checklist for online learning assignments

Computer Set Up:

  1. Choose a place where I can focus best and will not be disturbed
  2. Find the most comfortable screen settings for periods of long screen-time
  3. Enlarge the screen font and contrast so you can see clearly
  4. Find the best distance and height of your eyes from the screen; Adjust your seat


  1. If the video comes with notes or an outline, print it out and use it to take notes so you get the key points
  2. If there is close captioning decide if it would be helpful or distracting
  3. Take notes just as if you were listening to your teacher in class
  4. Use the Pause and Rewind buttons! Make sure you don't miss key information
  5. If you aren't assigned review questions, write down the main idea and three key points to ensure you understood and remember the most important information

Online Reading:

  1. Remind yourself not to skim; If you can't help it, mouth the words as you read or use online annotation tools
  2. Use your finger or a pen to track you place while reading online

Online Writing:

  1. Print out your work and proofread on paper
  2. If you must proofread on screen, enlarge your font and read it aloud

Online Math:

  1. Even if the problems are on screen or there is an online scratch pad, use scrap paper for solving; You are less likely to make computation errors
  2. Double check math answers after you type them in to be sure you transcribed correctly; Mouth the answer to help you check