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Geometry Problems Checklist (b)


Mathematics Study Skills & Tools K-8 Strategy


Flexible Thinking Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory Spatial Perception

Geometry Problems Checklist (b)

Before I Begin:

  1. Get paper, pencils, colored pencils, and additional materials such as manipulatives (pattern blocks), ruler, and protractor
  2. Read the directions
  3. If needed, review the example problems from the teacher, my notes, or book

While I Solve:

  1. Read the problem twice
  2. If I'm given a picture, clearly mark it up with numbers and labels
  3. If no picture is given, decide if I need one. If so, draw it neatly. Use graph paper or ruler if it helps
  4. If I'm stuck, talk through or describe what I see in the problem out loud
  5. Show my work so I can easily check for computation errors
  6. Circle any problem I am unsure of so I can re-solve it at the end. Don't let myself get stuck on any one problem, move on, and try again later

After I Finish:

  1. Go back to any problem where I was unsure and re-solve. Avoid looking at what I did the first time through. If I'm still unsure, ask for help or circle to discuss with my teacher
  2. Check my answers to make sure they are complete and make sense
  3. Test how well I understand the concept by trying to explain why my strategy makes sense
  4. Write down any questions to ask my teacher