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If your students struggled to work well together on a group project How to Apply It! 1) Have students reflect on group projects to improve self-awareness and collaboration skills. 1) After a group project, provide students with the opportunity to individual... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Social Awareness

If your student's reading comprehension is below grade level Teach It! 1)Objective: Informal check-ins after a student finishes a book will give students opportunity to reflect and strengthen summarization and analytical reading skills. It will also allow yo... View More


ELA: Reading K-8 Strategy


Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student feels overwhelmed or uncertain at starting a writing assignment How to Apply It! 1) While you might tend to write from beginning to end, breaking up a writing assignment into distinct chunks and starting in the middle, or wherever you have ... View More


ELA: Writing All Ages Strategy


Organization Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student has difficulty coming up with ideas for writing assignments Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will engage in pre-writing exercises to help them come up with ideas, think through best options, and organize their thoughts before diving into the w... View More


ELA: Writing ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization Verbal Reasoning

If your student struggles generating ideas for writing How to Apply It! 1) Using pictures can help students generate ideas and organize content for writing a story. 1) Writing a story requires conveying a natural sequence of events. Help students with org... View More


ELA: Writing ^21st Century Skills Elementary School Strategy


Flexible Thinking

All students, particularly those who are often stressed about grades or time management How to Apply It! 1) Giving students a "free pass" or "throwing out" an assignment can reduce stress, increase self-awareness, and strengthen the trust between teachers an... View More


All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Flexible Thinking Self-regulation

If your student has weaker reading skills but you still want them to complete the same assignments as their classmates How to Apply It! 1) Allow students to use an E-book and listen to the assignment rather than read independently. 2) When you use e-book... View More


ELA: ^Other ELA: Reading Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Verbal Reasoning Processing Speed

If your student is below grade level in reading fluency and you can work with them one-to-one or in a small leveled group Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will strengthen reading fluency and comprehension by engaging in co-reading activities where they both r... View More


ELA: Reading K-8 Strategy


Expressive Language