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Support Attention in Group Work: Checklist (Aa)


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Social Awareness Attention

Support Attention in Group Work: Checklist (Aa)

If your student has weaker attention and is working on a group assignment

Adapting To Group Work With Attention

  1. During group work prepare for less structure and more distractions by using these strategies to help you maintain your focus.
  2. Come prepared with everything you need, including paper, pens, or other materials so you won't need to get up once work begins.
  3. Put away anything you don't need or that could turn into a distraction.
  4. Sit near the center of the group. Sitting off to the side can make it easy to lose focus.
  5. Suggest a shared group checklist or agenda. Most groups benefit from a list and it will make sure you don't miss anything important.
  6. Pick a role that will keep you actively engaged. It could be building the model or being the scribe. However, know yourself, and be sure to take on a role that you can handle successfully.
  7. If you find yourself drifting off, suggest that the team take a short break. Alternatively, quietly excuse yourself to get a quick drink, stretch or use the restroom. Breaks can de-rail a meeting, so use your best judgment.
  8. Have someone summarize key points and next steps at the end of the meeting. Summarizing will ensure that everyone is in agreement and be sure that neither you, nor anyone else on the team, missed an important item.

What To Keep In Mind

You might not be the only one who struggles with attention. These suggestions will help everyone, not just you, so you are helping the group by using these strategies.