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If your student struggles to memorize formulas, images and conceptual information WHEN IT MATTERS MOST Visual memory refers to how you store and recall concepts, numbers, objects, or other non-language-based information. Students use visual memory to rememb... View More


All Ages Strategy


Visual Memory

If your student struggles with spatial skills WHEN IT MATTERS Spatial perception refers to how well one understands visual materials and their position in space, such as maps, graphs, and 3-D objects.Spatial ability plays a critical role in developing expe... View More


All Ages Strategy


Spatial Perception

If your student has difficulty with verbal memory WHEN IT MATTERS Verbal memory refers to how you store and remember word-based information you read or hear.Students use verbal memory to remember the details of what they read or what was said during class ... View More


All Ages Strategy


Verbal Memory

If your student struggles with abstract or visual concepts WHEN IT MATTERS Abstract reasoning refers to how you draw inferences from objects, images, space or numbers when you aren't given a concrete explanation or can't see it firsthand. Students use abst... View More


All Ages Strategy


Abstract Reasoning

If your student is struggling with verbal reasoning WHEN IT MATTERS Verbal reasoning refers to how comfortably you draw inferences based on what you read or hear, without needing a detailed explanation.Students use verbal reasoning when they are reading, f... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Verbal Reasoning

If your student struggles with behavior or adjustments WHAT TO KEEP IN MIND WHEN SUPPORTING YOUR STUDENT 1) Problem solving is more than your ability to understand and apply new information. It refers to a student's ability adjust and change approaches to ... View More


All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Social Awareness

If your student struggles with forgetfulness, organization or time management WHEN IT MATTERS Working memory helps you hold multiple bits of information in short-term memory (about 15-30 sec) so you can apply them during multi-step tasks. It is sometimes ref... View More


All Ages Strategy


Working Memory

If your student struggles to focus WHEN IT MATTERS Attention refers to one's ability to get started on work and then maintain focus on the activity or assignment. The key is to help students understand when it is easy to focus and when it is harder, and ho... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Social Awareness Attention