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If your student is disorganized or has difficulty with time management WHAT IT IS Organizational skills include keeping your items in order and organizing your thoughts to write and speak clearly. Students can struggle with time management and organization... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Attention

If your student works or responds very slow and deliberately WHEN IT MATTERS Processing speed is the rate at which you see, think about and react to information. Everyone processes at a different rate. Some students process more quickly what they see or re... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Processing Speed

If your student has difficulty with visual motor, fine motor skills or handwriting WHEN IT MATTERS Visual motor speed refers to how well you use your eyes, hands and fingers together to complete a task. It is also referred to as reaction time or response t... View More


ELA: Writing All Ages Strategy


Fine Motor Skills Visual Motor Speed

If your student writes everything down rather than synthesizing while note taking Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will take notes by hand to help them more deeply process and retain the information. 2)Teacher Takeaways: a) Explain the value of taking notes ... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Listening Comprehension Organization Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Visual Memory

If your student needs to understand a concept more deeply, particularly if their verbal skills are stronger Instruction and Practice 1) Objective: Students will think about the meaning of the content they are studying by explaining, describing it and asking ... View More


Mathematics ELA: Reading ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory Spatial Perception

If your student struggles with conceptual understanding in math and science, particularly if their verbal skills are stronger Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will take the time to explain or talk through visual math concepts and problems to in... View More


Mathematics All Ages Strategy


Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory Spatial Perception

If your student often has grammar and/or spelling errors even after using spelling or grammar check Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will print out and proofread their work on paper, as a much more effective way to catch their own errors. 2)Instruction and P... View More


ELA: Writing Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Attention Verbal Reasoning Visual Discrimination Processing Speed

If your student often under-prepares or over-prepares for tests Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will learn to accurately self-assess what they know for a test, so they can determine if they need to study more or finish up and get a good night sleep. 2)Inst... View More


Social-Emotional Learning Study Skills & Tools MS/HS/College Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation Verbal Memory Visual Memory