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If your student struggles to organize and communicate ideas in a logical sequence Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will use visual tools that help them organize sequential and related information, enabling them to more effectively organize, con... View More


ELA: Writing Study Skills & Tools ^Music, Art and Makerspaces ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization Working Memory Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory

If your student struggles to choose a topic or make decisions independently Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will learn how to make good decisions without feeling overwhelmed when they can choose from a limited number of options 2)Direction Instruction: 1) N... View More


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation

If your student is struggling with reading fluency, particularly if they have good memory skills How to Apply It! 1) Elementary students can improve fluency by developing automaticity with key sight words that could otherwise interfere with their sounding ... View More


ELA: Reading Elementary School Strategy


Auditory Processing Working Memory Verbal Memory Processing Speed Visual Memory

If your student needs help relaxing and enjoys quieter music How to Apply It! 1) Soothing music or sounds can be good for many students when they are feeling anxious or need to relax before a test, sporting competition, performance or other potentially str... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation

If your student does not like to write or is sensitive to feedback How to Apply It! 1) Refrain from correcting spelling, grammar or other details until a later draft so students can focus on idea generation quality. 1) Encourage students to write a rough d... View More


ELA: Writing ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Organization Working Memory Verbal Reasoning

If your students needs options for presentations that will use their strengths or you want to ensure they are aware of the variety of presentations formats How to Apply It! 1) Project-based learning can be one of the most effective ways to engage students in... View More


^Music, Art and Makerspaces ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Expressive Language Organization Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning

If your child struggles to "connect the dots" between ideas and enjoys reading How to Apply It! 1) Children can develop important reasoning skills through mystery novels and movies, as well as playing "What if?". 1) Read or watch mysteries together to encou... View More


ELA: Reading ^21st Century Skills ^Extra-curricular/At-Home K-8 Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student is struggling with reading fluency and feels self-conscious reading aloud How to Apply It! 1) Having a student who has reading difficulties read aloud to a younger child or to a pet allows him to read books at a more comfortable comprehensi... View More


ELA: Reading All Ages Strategy


Expressive Language