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If your student understands but struggles with efficient retention Use it in Your Instructional Practice 1)Objective: Incorporate daily opportunities for students to actively recall material so they learn and retain information more effectively. Also called ... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Verbal Memory Visual Memory

If your student struggles to participate in class discussions How to Apply It! 1) While doing your homework, write out questions or key points. Practice reading them out loud. 2) Keep your notes or questions on three-by-five cards so you can easily refer... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Expressive Language Processing Speed

If your student works slowly or struggles significantly with a skill How to Apply It! 1) Students who work more slowly might need extra encouragement and allowances to focus on the quality of their work rather than rushing to meet requirements for length of ... View More


Special Education (IEPs & 504s) All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Processing Speed

If your student feels quickly overwhelmed or struggles how to get started on math word problems Instruction and Practice 1) Objective: Teach students a structured approach to break down word problems step-by-step so they can work through the problem methodic... View More


Mathematics All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Working Memory Abstract Reasoning

If your student dives into writing assignments and later realizes they lack sufficient structure or ideas Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will create an outline before writing so they can organize their thoughts, create a structure, and ensure that they have... View More


ELA: Writing All Ages Strategy



If your student struggles to remember their notes and they have stronger visual memory How to Apply It! 1) Consider using different-colored flashcards, highlighters, and sticky notes when planning a project or studying from your notes to help you organize in... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Organization Working Memory Attention Verbal Memory

If your student struggles to complete all the requirements of a long-term project Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will create a clear plan or outline for a multi-step project or assignment, helping them to manage their time and ensure that important steps ar... View More


Study Skills & Tools ^Music, Art and Makerspaces All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention

If your student has weaker abstract reasoning Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will improve long-term reading and mathematics skills when they are explicitly taught patterning skills in elementary school. 2)Teacher Takeaways: a) Patterning skills enable stud... View More


Mathematics ELA: Reading Elementary School Strategy


Abstract Reasoning Spatial Perception