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If your student struggles with rote memorization, particularly if their creative reasoning skills are stronger than their memory skills Instruction and Practice 1) Objective: Students will create and use stories to help them remember detailed information. 2... View More


Science Social Studies ELA: Reading Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Working Memory Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory

If your student might struggle to learn a complex new topic in math or science Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Provide "worked" or partially solved problems in steps, so students can work through the example and then transfer the knowledge in manageabl... View More


Mathematics Science All Ages Strategy


Abstract Reasoning

If your student lacks confidence, is anxious or has a fixed mindset How to Apply It! 1) Positive self-talk is a powerful tool that is an essential first step to changing a student's frame of mind when they are nervous or feeling down. 1) Teach students to c... View More


Social-Emotional Learning Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation

If your student responds impulsively or gets upset if he gets upset if he gets stuck on a problem How to Apply It! 1) Pause, Prompt & Praise is an easy-to-remember strategy to help students step back, regroup and solve the problem with guided support. 1) ... View More


^21st Century Skills Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your child gets very upset when things go wrong How to Apply It! 1) Seeing the positive aspects of an otherwise difficult situation is a learned skill and an important one in helping children develop a positive mindset. 1) Always begin by acknowledging ... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Social Awareness

All students How to Apply It! 1) Parents want to continuously develop children's critical thinking skills so they can mature into confident, responsible adults who are comfortable handling a broad array of situations. Parents can help as they incorporate s... View More


^21st Century Skills ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Expressive Language Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Spatial Perception

If your students will work on multi-faceted math problems in groups Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will work together to solve complex problems, leading to stronger mathematical reasoning and mathematical communication skills. 2)Teacher Takeaways: a) Small... View More


Mathematics ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Social Awareness Abstract Reasoning

If your student needs more time to think through ideas or is behind in the subject Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will have time to prepare and get a grasp on the assignment before moving into groups to lessen the possibility that the stronger or quicker th... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Expressive Language Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed