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If your student is comfortable with public speaking and wants to strengthen critical thinking and speaking skills Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will develop key reasoning and flexible thinking skills through debate. 2)Teacher Takeaways: a) Through debate,... View More


^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Flexible Thinking Expressive Language Listening Comprehension Organization Verbal Reasoning Processing Speed

If your student is motivated to grow and improve How to Apply It! 1) The best way to improve is to start with an understanding of what you can do better and why. Guessing or assuming might not get you the results you hope for. 2) Teachers usually love when... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home MS/HS/College Strategy


Flexible Thinking

If your student doesn't always respond well or use feedback How to Apply It! 1) Provide feedback that takes into account the student's personal skills and their mastery level in the subject. 1) Students who have attained a level of mastery and are confident... View More


^21st Century Skills Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy

If your students are reluctant to participate in class or hesitant to raise their hand if they don't understand How to Apply It! 1) Response cards or digital response systems, such as clickers, are an increasing popular approach for teachers to use for incre... View More


All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Expressive Language Verbal Reasoning Processing Speed

All students, particularly those who are fidgety or inattentive during long discussions How to Apply It! 1) Learning by experience can be more effective than lecture-style teaching, particularly for students with weaker memory or attention. 1) First, prov... View More


^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory

If your student is reluctant to ask questions in class or you have students who want to ask lots of questions and there isn't time How to Apply It! 1) One approach to support reluctant speakers or, on the opposite end, students who tend to ask lots of questi... View More


All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Expressive Language Listening Comprehension Attention Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed

If your middle or high school student often skips challenging words when reading Teach It! 1) Objective: Students will use specific decoding strategies and context clues when they encounter an unfamiliar word in reading. 2) Direct Instruction: Provide strug... View More


ELA: Reading MS/HS/College Strategy


Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory

Identify Author's Purpose 1) First read the book/chapter title and first paragraph. Ask yourself what you will learn and what the author is trying to tell you. 2) Is the author telling a story? Describing an event or sequence of events? Trying to convince ... View More


ELA: Reading Elementary School Strategy


Verbal Reasoning