ADAPTING WITH SLOWER SPEED IN GROUP WORK 1) Take steps to support the group's pacing as a whole and allow everyone to participate more equally and comfortably, regardless of speed. 1) Suggest a group schedule that accommodates your needs. For example, you di... View More
If your student's reading comprehension is below grade level Teach It! 1)Objective: Informal check-ins after a student finishes a book will give students opportunity to reflect and strengthen summarization and analytical reading skills. It will also allow yo... View More
If your student finishes works quickly and has scattered errors or isn't thorough Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will become more aware of their pacing when using visual timers as they work so they begin to realize when they are working too slowly or too qu... View More
If your student regularly hands in sloppy work or below their capability level Teach It! 1)Objective: Empowering students to take ownership develops responsibility, pride, and ultimately their best work. 2)Instruction: a) Start by explaining and opening a d... View More
If your student struggles with test anxiety Understanding Test Anxiety 1) Understanding the specific reasons why a child struggles with test or performance anxiety is a critical first step to helping them overcome or reduce their anxiety. 1) While a little ... View More
If your student is reluctant to ask questions in class or you have students who want to ask lots of questions and there isn't time How to Apply It! 1) One approach to support reluctant speakers or, on the opposite end, students who tend to ask lots of questi... View More
If your student has weaker working memory and it could affect others on a group assignment when it comes to planning or follow-through ADAPTING TO GROUP WORK WITH WORKING MEMORY 1) Group work often has less structure and juggling more tasks at once than work... View More
If your student's weakest skill is flexible thinking and he struggles to work with others on group assignments ADAPTING WITH FLEXIBLE THINKING IN GROUP WORK 1) As a team member, it is important to take others' ideas, work styles and perspectives into conside... View More