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If your student dives into complex problems without a strategy Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will recognize when they need to pause and fully consider a complex problem before diving in to solve it. 2)Teacher Takeaways: Everyone reaches a point when solut... View More


Mathematics ^21st Century Skills Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Processing Speed

If your student can solve problems efficiently but you want to strengthen their complex problem solving skills Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will identify and consider more than one approach to solving a problem before choosing one to use. ... View More


Mathematics ^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Abstract Reasoning

When you feel stuck in solving problems PROBLEM-SOLVING CHECKLIST 1) After reading the question, give yourself at least three seconds to think before doing anything. 2) Circle clue words in the question to help you figure out what it is asking and what to d... View More


^21st Century Skills Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation

If your student has difficulty sitting down to do homework but needs regular breaks How to Apply It! 1) Parents might not want you to take breaks, because they are concerned that you might not get back to work efficiently, so it is important to show them t... View More


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention

If your student has weaker attention or listening skills and you want to ensure they don't miss key information Teach It! 1) Objective: Students will learn to listen for specific key words and visual cues to signal to them that important information is comi... View More


All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Listening Comprehension Attention Verbal Memory Processing Speed

If your students focus only on their grade and do not take time to review their mistakes or reflect on your feedback Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will use exam wrappers as an effective way to build metacognition and learn from their mistakes rather than f... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Self-regulation Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory

If your student isn't thorough on homework assignments Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will use homework wrappers, checklists that remind students of the most important study skills they should use during the assignment and provide an opportunity for reflect... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Self-regulation Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory

If your students question the purpose or value of a project Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will take part in creating the grading rubric to develop awareness of the overriding objective of the project and what is most important for a successful outcome. 2)... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Music, Art and Makerspaces ^21st Century Skills High School & Up Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning