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If your student is nervous about participating in class, particularly those with weaker working memory or processing speed Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will be given the chance to prepare in advance for class participation, allowing them to feel more comf... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Auditory Processing Expressive Language Listening Comprehension Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Processing Speed

If your student struggles but is shy or sensitive about asking for help How to Apply It! 1) Using nonverbal signals in the classroom or other social settings can be an effective way to support children who are anxious or could get upset easily without drawin... View More


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Listening Comprehension Processing Speed

If your student skips over the section when they don't understand what they read rather than stopping to figure it out instruction and Practice 1)Objective: When stuck in reading, students will reread that section aloud and think through the trouble spot. 2... View More


ELA: Reading All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student needs to strengthen oral reading fluency, which is often practiced less than silent reading fluency Teach It! 1)Objective: Students at all reading levels will improve oral reading fluency and increase reading confidence with choral reading -... View More


ELA: Reading Elementary School Strategy


Expressive Language

If your elementary student struggles or just skips unfamiliar words while reading independently Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will use context clues, in addition to phonics strategies, when figuring out unfamiliar words in reading. 2)Instruction and Pract... View More


ELA: Reading Elementary School Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Memory

If your student gets stuck if their first approach to the problem doesn't work, particularly if their verbal reasoning skills are good Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will think aloud while solving math problems to help their understanding and... View More


Mathematics ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Abstract Reasoning Spatial Perception

If your student often misses steps in written instructions Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will learn an organized approach to help them follow written instructions more effectively. 2)Instruction and Practice: Guide students through their student checklist... View More


Study Skills & Tools K-8 Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention

If your student struggles with reading fluency Teach It! 1)Objective: Students with decreased reading fluency will practice with texts that include rhythm and repetition, helping them develop greater confidence in reading speed and accuracy. 2) Teacher Tak... View More


ELA: Reading ELA: ^Other Elementary School Strategy


Auditory Processing Self-regulation Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory Processing Speed