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If your student often struggles to complete assignments or tests in the allotted time Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will be able to show their full knowledge and boost their self-confidence when they are allowed extra time on assignments or ... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Fine Motor Skills Working Memory Attention Processing Speed Visual Motor Speed

If your child wants to strengthen their complex reasoning skills How to Apply It! 1) Encourage students to look for distinctions in a category of objects to develop organization and classification skills. 1) Pick a subject and then look for differences in s... View More


Mathematics ^21st Century Skills ^Extra-curricular/At-Home Elementary School Strategy


Organization Abstract Reasoning

If your student has a lot to memorize, the information isn't sticking with flashcards and they have good verbal memory How to Apply It! 1) Using rhymes is an incredibly helpful tool to aid in learning and memorization. 1) Setting vocabulary terms and def... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Working Memory Verbal Memory Visual Memory

If your child is experiencing a particularly stressful period of time How to Apply It! 1) Keeping routines can provide comfort and security when outside events feel scary, uncomfortable and very unpredictable. 1) During stressful times, children find comf... View More


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Social Awareness

If your student is anxious or uncomfortable with transitions and change Teach It! 1)Objective: Students, especially those who have difficulty with change, will respond better in a more predictable, consistent environment. 2)Alert to Transitions: Provide no... View More


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Flexible Thinking Self-regulation

All students, particularly those who are prone to anxiety and emotional issues How to Apply It! 1) While everyone knows they should eat healthier, not everyone realizes that there is plenty of evidence that healthy eating has an enormous, positive impact on ... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation Attention

If your student has difficulty prioritizing what is important while reading Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will learn effective highlighting techniques to help them understand, organize and remember the most important information when they read. 2) Instruc... View More


Study Skills & Tools MS/HS/College Strategy


Verbal Reasoning

If your students highlight too little or too much when reading Teach It! 1)Objective: Pre-highlighted texts will offer students a model for effective highlighting practices. 2)Model and Practice: a) Highlighting promotes memory for the marked material which... View More


ELA: Reading Study Skills & Tools ^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Verbal Reasoning