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If you want to strengthen your child's critical thinking and problem solving skills How to Apply It! Parents can help students improve their verbal skills without it feeling like work or teaching by discussing what you watched, read or saw. Here are a few e... View More


^21st Century Skills ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Expressive Language Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student is forgetful or disorganized Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will use sticky notes to remember their responsibilities. 3)Teacher Takeaways: Encourage students to carry sticky notes in their backpacks and folders. They can be used to help th... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention Verbal Memory

If your student struggles to write in a logical sequence or make connections between ideas Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will use sticky notes or notecards as a visual approach to organizing their ideas and sequence for a writing assignment. 2)Instruction... View More


ELA: Writing Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

For all students, particularly those who struggle with anxiety, mood disorders or attention How to Apply It! 1) Doctors typically recommend exercising at least three times per week for 20+ minutes, though specific recommendations vary. 2) Benefits to the b... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation Attention

If your child is disorganized or messy How to Apply It! 1) Students who are disorganized often have problems with late or lost homework, lateness, and inefficient homework and study habits, so don't wait to help your child organize and clean-up until after... View More


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention

All children provided they are performing to expectations How to Apply It! Generally we recommend adults not be too rigid about HOW the work gets done as long as it is completed to expectations in a relatively stress-free way, though this will vary depending... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy



If your student studied hard but is worried about forgetting key information during a test How to Apply It! 1) Jot notes to yourself at the start of the test to be sure that you do not forget something really important or if you are very anxious that you mig... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Working Memory Verbal Memory Visual Memory

If your student lacks general knowledge or interest in a topic or struggles with reading comprehension Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will improve their non-fiction comprehension if they have context and a general understanding of the topic b... View More


ELA: Reading ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Auditory Processing Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed