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If your student has strong working memory and you want them to take a leadership role in planning and organizing a group assignment USING YOUR STRONG WORKING MEMORY IN GROUP WORK 1) Having strong working memory is an important asset in all areas of learning,... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Working Memory Social Awareness

If your student's weakest skill is flexible thinking and he struggles to work with others on group assignments ADAPTING WITH FLEXIBLE THINKING IN GROUP WORK 1) As a team member, it is important to take others' ideas, work styles and perspectives into conside... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Social Awareness

If your student has strong flexible thinking and you want them to take a leadership role in group work USING YOUR STRONG FLEXIBLE THINKING IN GROUP WORK 1) Strong flexible thinking is a huge asset when it comes to group work, as this skill can help you contr... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Social Awareness

If your student has weaker attention and is working on a group assignment ADAPTING TO GROUP WORK WITH ATTENTION 1) During group work prepare for less structure and more distractions by using these strategies to help you maintain your focus. 1) Come prepare... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Self-regulation Organization Social Awareness Attention

If your student has strong attention and might feel impatient with inattentiveness or lack of follow through during group projects USING YOUR STRONG ATTENTION IN GROUP WORK 1) Strong attention skills can be very helpful in group projects, especially when i... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Social Awareness Attention

If your student "freezes" on tests Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will use strategies to help with test anxiety and the feeling of blanking out. 2)Teacher Takeaways: The more anxious a student is, the harder it is for them to access what they know and per... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation Working Memory Attention Verbal Memory Visual Memory

If your student doesn't retain or fully understand what they watch in a video assignment How to Apply It! 1) A little advance preparation before watching a video will ensure you learn what you need and lessen the chance you will need to go back and replay ... View More


Study Skills & Tools MS/HS/College Strategy


Auditory Processing Working Memory Attention Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed

If your child struggles with attention, time management and/or organization skills How to Apply It! 1) Coaches usually work one-on-one with students to pinpoint difficulties and identify approaches to help students be more self-sufficient 1) The coach sets ... View More


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning Special Education (IEPs & 504s) ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization Working Memory Attention Processing Speed