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If your child is struggling to manage ADHD and parents are prepared to take on a more proactive coaching and support role How to Apply It! 1) Parent coaching programs provide training and support for parents who then understand how to provide ongoing support... View More


Study Skills & Tools Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization Working Memory Attention Processing Speed

Parent coaching can help students with diagnosed anxiety face their fears. How to Apply It! 1) Parents play a key role in the effective development of children with anxiety. 2) Parent training helps parents find the important balance between creating a supp... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy



If your student is struggling with ADHD, emotional challenges or both How to Apply It! 1) When students are experiencing emotional challenges, it might appear that they have problems with executive functions (attention, working memory or flexible thinking) s... View More


Social-Emotional Learning Special Education (IEPs & 504s) All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention Processing Speed

If your child needs to strengthen critical reasoning or visual attention and would enjoy games at home Try These Games with Your Students 1) Tic-tac-toe or Dots and Boxes (strategy and patterning) 2) Foldovers Games (creative thinking, spatial skills) 3) C... View More


^21st Century Skills ^Extra-curricular/At-Home Elementary School Strategy


Flexible Thinking Working Memory Abstract Reasoning Visual Discrimination Spatial Perception

If your student often forgets necessary items How to Apply It! 1) Use checklists to keep organized and ensure you do not forget anything important, especially on days you might be anxious about a big test or event. 1) Use a checklist for managing your dai... View More


Study Skills & Tools ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation Organization Working Memory Attention Verbal Memory

If your student needs help understanding and remembering key vocabulary and their verbal reasoning is stronger than their verbal memory Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Students will create vocabulary webs to help them learn new words based on similarit... View More


ELA: Reading All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning Verbal Memory

If your student sometimes gets confused about the subject when reading Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Pronouns can feel very abstract to some students. Provide explicit instruction to help these students concretely see the relationship between a prono... View More


ELA: Reading Elementary School Strategy


Flexible Thinking Listening Comprehension Working Memory Verbal Reasoning

All children, particularly those who are stressed or unmotivated How to Apply It! 1) Helping children create reasonable expectations for themselves based on their current needs and capabilities will lessen anxiety and, over time, helps them develop independe... View More


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Flexible Thinking Self-regulation