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If your students take on the same roles every time in group work How to Apply It! 1) Have students play different roles in the group so they learn to listen to peers, voice their own opinions, and collaborate effectively. 1) If a student is uncomfortable w... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Social Awareness

If your student complains of headaches, stamina or vision issues while reading How to Apply It! 1) Tinted transparencies, sometimes called color overlays, help some children improve their reading efficiency by creating a more comfortable contrast between the... View More


ELA: Reading Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Visual Discrimination Processing Speed Spatial Perception

If your student has ideas for what to write about but still struggles to start writing Teach It! 1)Objective: Students will say their writing ideas out loud so they can hear themselves think through the idea and then more easily get them down on paper. 2)I... View More


ELA: Writing ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking

If you can't seem to get started writing, especially if you have time constraint How to Apply It! 1) When you get writer's block, either getting started or feeling lost for what to do next; use concrete, reliable strategies to mentally prepare yourself to ... View More


ELA: Writing Study Skills & Tools ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Organization

If your students can take on complex, multi-faceted projects How to Apply It! 1) Teach students design thinking to strengthen their problem solving and empathy skills, two skills considered essential for workplace success. 1) Identify a situational proble... View More


^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Social Awareness Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student struggles for ideas to write poetry How to Apply It! 1) Learn to use your surroundings to generate subjects, descriptive language, and rhythm for poetry. 1) Find a student notebook to keep your observations. Then try the following exercise... View More


ELA: Writing ELA: Reading ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning

All students, particularly those who are good observers but don't respond well to direct feedback How to Apply It! 1) The best way to teach students how to act and think through difficult problems or situations is to model or show them the expected behavio... View More


Social-Emotional Learning K-8 Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation

All children, particularly those who struggle with friendships How to Apply It! 1) Self-awareness and supportive adult relationships are essential for developing empathy, and empathy leads to healthier, happier adults. 1) When your child is upset, begin a... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^21st Century Skills ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Self-regulation