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If your student reads slowly and has difficulty completing assignments or works quickly and misses key details Teach It! 1) Objective: Students will learn when and how to adapt their reading approach based on the complexity and purpose of the assignment. 2)... View More


ELA: Reading ^21st Century Skills MS/HS/College Strategy


Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning Processing Speed

If your students need exposure to a broad range of topics and would be engaged in current events Instruction and Practice 1)Objective: Offering newspapers or magazines as motivating and relevant reading choices will support development of reading comprehensi... View More


Social Studies ELA: Reading All Ages Strategy


Flexible Thinking Verbal Reasoning Abstract Reasoning

If your student doesn't take a strong point of view when writing How to Apply It! 1) Having a clear purpose will help you keep your thoughts organized for writing and speaking. 1) Ask yourself "why". Why am I writing this paper? Why am I telling this story?... View More


ELA: Writing ^21st Century Skills All Ages Strategy


Expressive Language Organization Verbal Reasoning

If your child is struggling with social or emotional issues and enjoys writing How to Apply It! 1) Daily journals can be a great place for students to practice writing and reading and express feelings. Journals give children a way to vent safely or to expres... View More


Social-Emotional Learning ^Extra-curricular/At-Home All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Self-regulation

If your student struggles with reading comprehension because of weaker vocabulary How to Apply It! 1) Add-on virtual dictionaries can be a great tool for students who do a lot of online reading. 1) Online dictionaries can "overlay" almost any standard webs... View More


ELA: Writing ELA: Reading ELA: ^Other Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Working Memory Verbal Reasoning Processing Speed

If your student's handwriting is interfering with completing work accurately or efficiently Teach It! 1)Objective: Students who type more efficiently than they write will use a keyboard for typing notes or papers in class, on tests or for homework. 2)Teach... View More


ELA: Writing All Ages Strategy


Fine Motor Skills Working Memory Processing Speed Visual Motor Speed

If your student is having trouble remembering key details and enjoys storytelling and/or has stronger visual-spatial skills Teach It! 1) Objective: Students will use the method of loci to help them memorize difficult or large quantities of information and/or... View More


Study Skills & Tools All Ages Strategy


Verbal Memory Visual Memory

Mindfulness is an alternative to yoga and meditation which focuses on helping students be more aware and respectful of their feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors with the objective of managing emotions and self-regulating behavior. How to Apply It! 1) ... View More


Social-Emotional Learning All Ages Strategy


Anxiety Flexible Thinking Self-regulation Attention